November 2011

Subud Voice is published monthly and the English edition is issued on the 1st of each month at

A Spanish facsimile edition usually appears a little later on the same web site.


Send articles, photos, cartoons etc. to Harris Smart, Editor Subud Voice, email: Tel: + 61 3 95118122

Submissions are invited which relate to Subud life or are from Subud members. We cannot guarantee when, or if, a submission can be published. Preference will be given to articles of about 2000 words or less accompanied by a photograph, well-written in English and dealing with the activities of Subud members, or expressing a Subud member’s perspective on a subject.

Articles should be written in such a way that they are intelligible and interesting to both Subud members and the general public. Sometimes this means providing an explanatory introduction or notes for the non-Subud reader. Articles and photos should be submitted electronically by email.

There is no payment for submissions. Correspondence about articles will generally not be entered into. Submissions to Subud Voice may be edited for a variety of reasons including the need to shorten them or improve expression. If you do not want your submission to be edited in any way, please mark it clearly NOT TO BE EDITED.


The opinions expressed in the various articles are the sole responsibility of their authors and cannot be seen as representing the opinion of either the editor or the World Subud Association.


The name Subud ® and the Seven Circles Symbol are registered marks of the World Subud Association.



Classifieds: 50 cents a word. Minimum charge AUD$15.00. Display rates on request. (Developing countries – no charge).