Harris Roberts writes from Indonesia about a new venture…
Several months ago, SES Cilandak undertook to establish a Subud Members Enterprise for Central Kalimantan.
The 23 shareholders, commissioners and directors of that company are happy to announce that today 10-10-2011, the company PT United Dharma is officially established.
Domiciled in Tengkiling, Palangka Raya with a medium tier capital investment of 1.1 billion Rupiah, the company is authorized for general trading, services provider and contracting.
Directors have been appointed for three initial activities: Agriculture, Transportation and Property Development.
Vision and Mission Statements have yet to be written. The purpose of the company is to progress and assist the wish and intention of Subud members to actively participate in the development of Central Kalimantan in accordance with the vision expressed by YM Bapak Muhammad Subuh and under the principles of susila, budhi and dharma.
The current company profile states as follows:
United Dharma is established as a multifaceted company participating in a variety of industries in Indonesia’s Province of Central Kalimanan.
Our core businesses are Agriculture, Transportation and Property. Further diversification is envisioned.
Our emphasis is on business partnering and strategic partnering where we seek to connect individuals, groups, communities and organizations for the development of existing human, physical, natural and technological resources. We are interested to create and implement practical models for equitable economic development where the Who and Why are important factors to us in determining our What and How.
The diverse range of professional and cultural backgrounds embodied in our shareholders and board members assists to empower us for this challenge; to create economic development for improved quality of life based in the sustainable harmony of human values.
Certainly this will not be accomplished anytime soon, but we have made a start. We are not in a hurry, not working to deadlines, but we are clear in our intentions and are prepared to see it through, see where it takes us. At the very least we can be a catalyst for Subud members to channel their aspirations, and for some to build a new life for themselves and their families in Central Kalimantan.
We ask for your blessing on our shared intention and your prayer that Almighty God will bless that intention with harmony and the capacity to carry it out every day.
With best wishes,
Harris Roberts
Director Corporate Governance
pt United Dharma
Are you interested in
– Bapak’s Advice on Enterprises, a definitive must read paper
– 40 photos of Bapak and quotes on enterprise
– What SESI is doing
– A new Subud Enterprise to finance enterprises in Kalimantan
– Sinar Investors Association for Kalimantan Gold Corporation (KGC) shareholders
– How to seek support for your enterprise or project
– How to list and find products and services offered by Subud members and Subud enterprises
– Profiles and contact details for SES National Representatives
– Reading blogs and forums about enterprise or becoming a blogger
– Anything and everything about Subud Enteprises?
Go to the new SESI website at www.subudenterprise.com and register.
The registration process takes only a moment or two. If the website doesn’t recognise the e-mail address you use to log on with, to verify you are a member it will ask you to supply the answer to two questions (to which the answers are Jiwa and Rahayu). Once registered and logged in, you will have access to all the content and services on the site.
We at WSA hope you will find the site useful and make your own contribution.
Visit the newly launched www.subudenterprise.com
Maxwell Fraval, CEO, WSA Executive
Ruslan Morris, Coordinator, SESI
Harris Madden, SESI Board and Website Editor
Rashad Pollard, SESI Board and PR Manager
SUBUD ENTERPRISE…report by Stuart Cooke
Stuart Cooke writes… This document was developed as a background paper to help fulfill a resolution passed at the 13th Subud World Congress to summarize and embody a common understanding of Bapak´s advice regarding the meaning, importance and role of Enterprise to Subud. After an exhaustive, one-year review of Bapak’s advice and guidance concerning being enterprising and the meaning and purpose of Subud Enterprises, the following summarizes the paper’s findings. ..
- As we make progress in our inner lives we need to balance that with progress in our outer lives. We need to each understand who we are; what our true talents are, and how we can best develop these talents and put them into practice in the world around us.
- At the same time, if Subud is to grow and find its right place in the world, we need to finance our Association’s internal needs – for communications, latihan premises, care for our membership and the work of our Committees, Affiliates/ Wings and helpers on all levels.
- We need, also, to contribute to the world around us through the development of substantial social projects.
- To be able to significantly and sustainably fund the above needs we should develop collective Subud Enterprises, from which a part of the profits is allocated to these financial needs. These Subud Enterprises should be substantial projects, and while it is the responsibility of our Subud Committees or Affiliate Boards to motivate their establishment, they should be set up as independent, limited liability companies with significant numbers of Subud investors who would appoint their own, paid Boards of Directors.
- There are significant differences between large, collective Subud Enterprises, the kind of enterprises Bapak referred to when speaking about how to fund the organization and social projects, and the enterprises of individual Subud members.
- While the motivation to start Subud Enterprises always rested with our Association and Committees on all levels, SES was charged with the task of establishing a method for providing a professional supervisory function that would guide and direct the enterprises. This SES service was not fully implemented in the past. It is the intention of SESI to develop a capacity to provide this service now.
Bapak’s guidance to Subud members regarding Enterprise
- Through enterprises we can worship God in our work.
- Our work in the world, if it is in accordance with our nature, is our enterprise.
- If we own a business that is an enterprise of a Subud member.
- A Subud Enterprise is a corporation that is endorsed by Subud, a majority of its stock is collectively owned by Subud members, and it contributes 15–25% or more of its profits to Subud.
- The mission of Subud to bring peace and harmony to humankind through the latihan kejiwaan will only be achieved when large Subud Enterprises and the significant social projects they finance are well established across the globe.
- Subud Enterprises will create the conditions where helpers and committees can do whatever they need to do and travel whenever they want to; where every member can go to latihan, meetings and congresses; where everywhere in the world there are large latihan halls with accommodations, Subud-sponsored schools, Subud clinics, hospitals and homes for the aged.
- Part of the brief of the helper/committee dewans (councils) – center, regional, national, zonal, and international as well as our Affiliates and Wing organizations within their respective fields – is to spur the development of Subud Enterprises by providing leadership.
- SES and SESI are tasked with helping to provide experts for feasibility studies and to review the studies.
- If a plan is approved, SES will recommend that the committee concerned assist the Enterprise by encouraging members to invest (as allowed by law) and to support the Enterprise in general.
- SES will help with financing until a new Subud World Bank comes into being.
- One or more of the SES experts who advised it, or other experts at the business’s choosing, will be appointed to a Supervisory Board to ensure that the Enterprise meets its goals and obligations to its stakeholders and to Subud.
To read the complete report containing much advice from Bapak click here