
First arrivals at Rungan Sari…
Rungan Sari is alive with pre-congress activities; a joyful yet gentle sense of anticipation fills the air. Over the last weeks and days, members have been arriving from far and wide, so that there were already a few hundred people at latihan this morning. The full teams of International Helpers have begun their preparations, while youth from Indonesia and abroad have been bolstering the WCOT team.
The Rungan Sari Resort and Meeting Centre has been undergoing a major overhaul, including the construction of a light and airy hall in the large patio area at the centre of the complex. It can seat around 450 people. The restaurant and kitchens are being enlarged, the tennis court and swimming pool upgraded. Additional bathroom facilities have been added.
Further developments in the larger Rungan Sari compound include a cluster of long houses among the trees, with simple accommodation and services. Repairs have been made to roads and pathways; cafes are being set up; a new playground is being installed; a photo exhibition of local fauna is being put together… Everyone is busy, but the atmosphere is happy and relaxed.
A Dayak ceremony was recently held, blessing the participants and preparing the place for the congress. Three offerings altars covered in pretty batiks, together with bright yellow flags, stand in testimony of the event.
The Welcome brochure has been finished and distributed. On page 8 you can find the schedule of the large latihans. Kalimantan is 5 hours ahead of Central Europe, 6 ahead of the UK, 11 ahead of NY; and 5 hours behind Sydney, Australia.
Folleto de bienvenida en español

Entrance to the new pendopo at the Rungan Sar Resort…

Preparing the photo exhibition…

Dayak altars…