Darius McStay, Lewes Group, sends greetings from Kalimantan (transcribed from a WhatsApp voice message)…

Delegates meeting by Paul Egedy

So, the World Congress. It is my first World Congress, and my first time to Kalimantan. I did not know that I was coming. Before coming, I found that all attachments that I had within me were forcibly removed even without my consent, and it seemed as if I had gone into a crisis.

Then, in my latihan, I received, ”Test. You are coming to Congress.” And then, indeed, my purification became even deeper, to the point, perhaps, of even being a traumatic experience, whereby I was aware that I was falling into a mini-crisis.

It is as if the purification within me had to take place, so that when I came here, I was clean enough to be in Kalimantan. I have heard many stories of a similar situation, similar experiences, about getting to Congress here, from the light and easy, not being able to pack their suitcases, to something as steep and as traumatic as my own experience, before being able to arrive here.

I met a woman yesterday who said she had received, before Congress,  that Bapak has been calling all of his children together so that we may heal and love and support each other, before going back into the world.

The experience of this Congress is intense. It is as if we are in one big constant latihan, and all of us are moving parts within it. Each one of us has a voice and a story to share. As I found myself guided and bumping into people, open and present, I am given a gift of learning.

For example, I was told not to trust God, but to entrust myself completely to His will. This for me is a very big difference between trusting that something might happen, which is not trust at all, but a want, and entrusting myself without any further questions to all that may be before me. There is a huge gift within this Congress to find a deep still inner peace and quiet. I have noticed that any nafsu that are here are being expelled just as in a large latihan.

Many people are falling ill, even COVID, diarrhoea, vomiting. The food here is the same every day. Oh well. Or others simply weren’t able to make it, had to return back, en route even, with injuries to their body.

I hear Bapak chuckling, “All of this, yah, yah, clearing, purification, ha ha ha; yah, yah, purification.”

I have felt the presence of many, many deep and wise men, enabling me to see the lower forces within myself becoming agitated at times, unable to completely surrender and let go, until I am no longer thinking here, I am just being.

Amazingly, I remember a dream I had 25 years ago, that Bapak would call me to Kalimantan at some point, and it was about clearing my mother’s line. Once that was done, as an actor, which is my right work, I would return briefly to England, say goodbye to my mother, and then go to Hollywood. We’ll see if this second part manifests.

But certainly Bapak has called me here, and that I have finally, thank God, cleared my female line and I am free. Ha ha ha. I found myself loving myself and contained, and I find myself quiet. I find others so open and clean and pure. I find us all having to be very careful with how we tell stories whether we awaken the past through telling them or indeed the forces that should not be awakened around here.

The Jinns are shaking all of our beds in Eco Village here in Rungan Sari. I thought at first it was because I was still in crisis and coming down. But actually I have to go with it.

Everybody here, even the ones that are not opened, like the younger children in the Eco Village are experiencing this both day and night. Even this though I have already said to the jinns, “I come as a child of Bapak in peace and I to worship God, and I ask for permission to be on the land.”

In fact, when I first arrived in Kalimantan at the baggage area at the airport, I was suddenly choking and could not breathe and felt as though I was about to die. And I said this prayer and immediately was released.

This is their land and it is only because of Bak’s negotiation with them we are privileged to be here. I understand the material force cannot be here and that anything or anyone who is deeply attached to the material has had to go some through some inner purification before arriving here. It is quite extraordinary. The power is immeasurable.

Then there is the fun, the light hearted side, the beautiful music by the swimming pool and the bands and the music and the sharing of the classical music concert in the Bell Swiss Hotel. Now we are here in Rungan Sari. It feels like the real Congress has started.

The stores are open, there are different cafes. People are smoking Kreteks, of course.

I found myself called to the talks about Kalimantan. I wonder if I’m to be here for a while. In fact, I have received that I am to offer myself to the school today. I have a meeting with the principal. We’ll see. Inshallah, whatever God asks of me, I no longer have any want of my own. This is the experience of so many of us here. We no longer really have any wants of our own, and we are willing to be called and hopefully put to use for God’s will. Indeed, for Bapak’s mission,

Be careful if you tap into the energy of this Congress, for I have realised as In truth, this is not just a world Congress, but this is a Congress for the whole of the world. And I have even heard reports of people getting ill when they feel that they are tapping into the Congress. This is simply the nafsu being put aside for that.

Any lower forces out of their place cannot come near this one. Family, one Subud, one love, one soul, one latihan experience. I’ve been told that actually next February is 100 years since Bapak first received contact here in Indonesia and the Indonesian Congress have this week done a special latihan to celebrate this. Not insignificant!

It feels as if indeed the prophecy about Kalimantan, which in fact is to become the epi-centre from which Subud shall flow.  And for those for those of us who have been blessed and able to come here and move forward into a new timeline. May that have something to do with that purpose and the process of Bapak’s mission unfolding. Wow, what an honour. Let us be grateful. This truly is a great Congress.