Words and Pictures from Lynnelle Stewart…

Sri Lanka has the second oldest continuous group presence after Coombe Springs. Started in 1958 and now in its third generation of Subud members. They have a house near Colombo. This is Lakshman Joseph de Saram.

One of the brilliant young guides serving all of us guests in transportation. Her grandparents were in Subud and she lives in Rungan Sari. A real Kalimantan flower, full of grace, patience and kindness. Her name is Sila Hapsari.

Two ex WSA Chairs,. Osanna Vaughn the multi-gifted writer sitting in my walker. Nahum Harlap advancing in the background.

Inside Hotel Bahalap. Quite elegant enough for me. What I really love is that there is a mosque close by and I hear the dawn prayers every morning between 4 and 5 am. Kind of like hearing monks sing Gregorian chants. A heavenly way to start the day and I find myself waking up for it. A feature of Palangkaraya is a Christian church with huge cross out front in the same block as a mosque. They are getting along. Wonderful!