More People and Places from Lynnelle Stewart…
Lynnelle with friend. Indonesians insist on taking a photo WITH you. This lady is so beautiful, but she said this old and fat lady (me!) is beautiful too. How kind is that? One thing I do NOT feel here is judged…
On the road welcome to Congress participants. Also love Kalimantan 2024 logo banners along the road. 44 countries are represented I think…
Lynnelle writes…Bachtiar Lorot was one of the 8 candidates who stood for WSA Chair. He was SICA Chair from 1997 to 2001; and MSF Chair from 2011 to 2014; and MSF Trustee from 2011 to 2016. He worked in agricultural development and he and his wife introduced Subud in many of the countries where they travelled for his work.
Marston Gregory… Outgoing from MSF… Wearing a shirt given to him by Ibu Rahayu in honour of his longstanding work for Subud.