Since Subud Voice is now once again available in full to the general public, we no longer publish talks by Bapak or Ibu Rahayu in their entirety, because it is felt that, generally speaking, these are really only comprehensible and of value to people who already practise the latihan.
Bapak always insisted that his talks are “explanations” for people who already follow the latihan. One of his oft-repeated maxims was, “First the experience, then the explanation!”
He compared the latihan to eating a mango. There is no way you can “explain” the taste of a mango to someone who has not tasted one. First, you must experience it for yourself, then you can talk about it.
At the same time, brief quotations from Bapak, the founder of Subud, and his daugther, Ibu Rahayu, are often comprehensible to anyone, and may contain wisdom or advice that is akin to what is said in religion or other spiritual traditions.
So what we will do in Subud Voice from now on is generally suggest a talk which relates in some way to the contents of the issue and include a brief quotation of general interest. Subud members may then go to the web site to read the talk in its entirety.
This issue has a bit of an emphasis on talent, so we are suggesting a talk given by Bapak in Sydney on May 17, 1982.
The context of this talk is that it was given at a time when Subud members were developing an enterprise in Sydney called Project Sunrise which led to the development of the leisure and shopping precinct Darling Harbour. During this talk Bapak tested various people as to their suitability to be directors of this project. The talks includes this passage…
The enterprises that Bapak talks about are very different from enterprises that are done by those who do not have the kejiwaan meaning those who do not receive the latihan kejiwaan.
The enterprises that are carried out by those who have received the latihan kejiwaan of Subud are enterprises where we pray to God Almighty that in all our actions and work which we do, we should not be separated from the guidance of Almighty God.
So, to be clear, while doing the work of the enterprise in the way people ordinarily work, we do not separate ourselves from our worship of God. This is a grace and a good fortune for us that while we are close to God we do not forget the world. Normally, from long ago till now, there are many people who practice some sort of spiritual way while, as it were, putting aside the needs of their life in this world. This is wrong in reality, but right according to the belief of those who do it.
Code Number : 82 SYD 6. Sydney, May 17, 1982
Provisional Translation by Sharif Horthy
To read the complete talk go to Subud Library
Please note that this talk is Copyright © 2010 the World Subud Association. All rights reserved. This talk was given for people practising the spiritual exercise known as the Subud Latihan. For those not practising this exercise, reading the talk is not recommended as it could be misunderstood