Harris Smart writes…
A superb Australian National Congress was held in Sydney over the New Year. Never have I attended such a smoothly and graciously organised Subud event full of peace, harmony and vitality. This is how Subud life should always be. A mixture of hard work, outstanding entertainments and enriching human interactions.
There was a real sense of giving and service by the Sydney members who put on this event. And it was so good to see the way the young members pitched in, manning coffee bars night and day, moving chairs around and providing world-class musical performances.
And a most intersting project is emerging from this Congress. Premature to report on it yet, but it could involve a word beginning with K.
Well, I could write 10,000 words about that Congress and all the good that happened, but let me zero in on one aspect which was the presence of our hard-working, world-travelling WSA Chair, Luke Penseney.
Luke brought a message of renewal, of putting the problems of the past behind us, while not forgetting the lessons that must be learned from them. A message that is very much reflected in the final paragraph of the statement that Ibu Rahayu sent to the Congress. (Click here to download the pdf)
Ibu Rahayu’s Message to the Australian National Congress
Luke also told me of a striking experience he recently had. He was crossing Canada from Toronto to Vancouver and stopped off in Winnipeg. He was staying with a Subud couple who are also Christians. In the morning in latihan, he received the feeling of the need for unconditional love, love without limit and this illumination became the theme in his journey around Latin America which began soon after. (See the .pdf link below)
“A question facing us all,” said Luke, “is how much do we trust God?”
Out of these experiences, he has distilled a series of questions which he has been encouraging people to test. We tested them in Sydney and found them to be very powerful.
How is it when I face Almighty God with the whole of my being absolutely and follow whatever He wills?
How is my trust in Almighty God currently?
How would Almighty God have my trust be in Him?
How currently is my inner courage?
How would Almighty God have my inner courage be?
How currently is my outer courage?
How would Almighty God have my outer courage be?
For a copy of Luke’s Latin American Journey, click the link: 03_WSAChair-SoAmericaTrip_Nov2011
For a copy of WSA Annual Report, click the link: 03 WSA2010AnnualReport
For a copy of WSA Executive Report, click the link: 03 WSAExecWiP_Nov11
For a copy of MSF Annual Report, click the link: 03 2010 MSF Annual Report