Bapak – The Man and His Mission Part 2

1957 – 1971: Preparing the Vessel

Bapak: The Man and His Mission tells the life story of Muhammad Subuh and the history of Subud, the spiritual movement he founded, from his birth on June 22nd 1901, to his Centenary Anniversary in 2001.

Part Two: Preparing the Vessel tells the story of how Bapak developed an international organisation to foster the development of Subud. It begins with Bapak’s visits to England in the late 1950s, which brought Subud to the West. It tells of the setting up of the pioneer welfare project Brookhurst Grange and follows Bapak on his many international journeys. It illustrates the growth of Subud life, and shows the pioneering Subud World Congresses.

The program provides many personal insights into what it was liek to be with Bapak and his wife, Ibu Siti Sumari. It concludes by showing the development of Wisma Subud in Cilandak and the Fourth World Congress, which was held there in 1971.

The story is told through archival film and video, and through interviews with people close to Bapak including his daughter, Ibu Siti Rahayu; his secretary and translator, Sharif Horthy; Lusana Faliks who also travelled with Bapak and lived in Wisma Subud; and Patricia Lacy who was opened at Coombe Springs and worked at Brookhurst Grange.

The program is a project of the Bapak’s 100th Anniversary Team.
Patrons – Siti Rahayu Wiryohudoyo, Haryono Sumohadiwidjojo and Siti Hardiyati, S.A. Sumohadiwidjojo.
Executive Producer: Rahman Connelly.
Written and Produced by Harris Smart.
Produced with the generous financial assistance of the Connelly Temple Trust.


Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes approx.

In English – Spanish subtitles available.